Number of Participants selected for WWC2018 (Quick report)

Total: 57 (67 entries)

  • Recorded Accompaniment category: 47
    • Adult: 27
    • Junior: 12
    • Senior: 8
  • Hikifuki category: 11
  • AlliedArts category: 9

Nationalities (total: 11)

  • Australia: 3
  • Austria: 2
  • Canada: 2
  • China: 3
  • French: 1
  • India: 5
  • Japan: 32
  • Russia: 1
  • Spain: 1
  • Taiwan: 1
  • USA: 6

For WWC2018 participants ONLY: Please confirm e-mails from Us

For WWC2018 participants ONLY:

We have sent e-mails to participants for the Recorded Audition – WWC2018. The titles is “[Recorded Sample Cleared] …”.
If you submitted the application and you haven’t received that e-mail, please let us know by e-mail on the “About Us” page as soon as you can.

Thank you.

Quick report for Recorded Audition Entry for WWC2018

Thank you all who have entry from all over the world!!!

We have the total around 85 entries from 12 nationalities: Australia, Austria, Canada, China, France, India, Japan, Russia, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey and USA.

“Nationality Seed” rules updated

“Nationality Seed” rules updated. Please refer to “Recorded audition” section of “General Guidelines” page.

The entry application for recorded audition of WWC2018 will start

Dear Whistlers,

We are about to start to receive the entry application for recorded audition from October 1st to the 31st. Don’t missed it!
We are looking forward to receive your entry!!!

The World Whistlers Convention (WWC)
Producer / Director
Ryosuke Takeuchi