Differences between IWC and WWC

* This article describes the differences between IWC and WWC.
* This is not final – we will continue to update. Please check our future announcement.
* Please refer other issues on the previous guideline stated in IWC in 2014 for now. (archive)
* “**NEW**” is new issue.


  • Recorded accompaniment (Classical and Popular)
  • Allied Arts
  • Hikifuki (Self-accompaniment) **NEW**

* Recorded accompaniment category is the same as IWC’s Classical and Popular categories.
* Hikifuki is new (max. 4 minutes). No self-accompaniment in Allied Arts category.
* Any kind of “automatic” instrument, such as windup music-box or electronic instrument which has automatic function is not allowed in Hikifuki category. Manual instruments are allowed – such as Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, auto-harp or hand-operated music-box.
* It is allowed to entry in one, two or all categories.
* Only Recorded accompaniment category has age division.
* Only Recorded accompaniment Adult division – 18 and older – has gender division

Age division (Recorded accompaniment category)

  • Junior (under 18) **NEW**
  • Senior (65 and older) **NEW**
  • Adult female (18 and older)
  • Adult male (18 and older)

* Adult division is for 18 and older. (IWC: 20 and older)
* Junior (under 18) is a new division that replaces Child (up to 12) and Teen (13 to 19). Adult entrants must be 18 or older.
* Senior is a new division. If you are 65 or older, you can choose to enter as Adult or Senior.
* Age division is based on your age on the last day of this event. (July 17th 2016)

Other issues

* Each category and division has a First Place (Champion), and Second and Third prize. (IWC: Allied Arts has no third prize)
* Whistling Symposium is held the first day of the event. **NEW**
* Opening Concert is on the first night of the event.
* The First Round will be on the second day, and Final Round on the third day.

the date for WWC2016

We are happy to announce the date for WWC2016 (The World Whistling Convention)

Jul.15 (Fri) to 17(Sun) 2016
Scrum 21 Hall (850seats), Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa, Japan

Details will be uploaded on this website.

WWC Director Ryosuke Takeuchi

Site updated

Establishing WWC, we have changed this site title and contents.
Please follow our future announcements for more details.

Greeting message from Mr. Allen deHart

We have received a greeting message from Mr. Allen deHart (Founder of the International Whistlers Convention).


Dear Cris and Ryosuke,

Greeting and congratulations on plans of the Japan Whistling
Confederation to establish the World Whistling Convention (WWC)
in Japan in 2016. I believe with your planning a year in advance you
can be assured of a successful whistling event. Please let us know if
we can promote your efforts.

Best Wishes,

Allen de Hart
Founder of the International Whistlers Convention
and its Museum, and President of the Franklin County
Historical Society, Inc, sponsor of IWC projects.

http://www.1964fchs.com (new website)

Establish “The World Whistling Convention” (WWC)

Dear All Whistlers,

The Japan Whistling Confederation(JWC) are pleased to inform you all, that we are going to establish “The World Whistling Convention” (WWC) in Japan in 2016.
We are on stage of preparation. Please follow our future announcements for more details at this site.
We are looking forward to meet all the whistlers around the world.

Best Regards,

Director of The World Whistling Convention
Ryosuke Takeuchi