We started to accept entry for the Recorded audition of WWC2024 via “WWC2024 Recorded audition Entry Form” page.
Recorded audition for WWC2024 is going to be accepted from Dec 1st – 31st
Dear Whistlers,
Recorded audition for The World Whistlers Convention (WWC2024) is going to be accepted from Dec 1st – 31st.
Don’t missed it!
We are looking forward to receive your entry!!!
Best Regards,
The World Whistlers Convention (WWC)
Ryosuke (Whistler)
WWC2024 Uploaded “Judges” page
Uploaded “Judges” page.
Please check this page.
Uploaded WWC2024 “Recorded audition Guidelines” page
Uploaded WWC2024 “Recorded audition Guidelines” page
Please check this page.
Uploaded WWC2024 “General Guidelines”, etc. pages
Uploaded WWC2024 “General Guidelines”, etc. pages.
Please check those pages.
Differences between WWC2022 and WWC2024
* This article describes the differences between WWC2022 and WWC2024.
* This is not the final version – we will continue to update. Please check for future announcement here.
* For now please refer to other issues to the WWC2022 guidelines for any other issues.
- Add “Contestants Gathering”.
- Add “First Round for Hikifuki Category”. (You should prepare two pieces for Classical, two for Popular – a total of 4 pieces.)
- “Senior Division of Recorded Accompaniment Category” will be moved to the last day.
Category, Divisions and Awards
- “Allied Arts Category” is divided two divisions, such as “Solo division” and “Ensemble division” (2 or more performers). These divisions have First Place and Second prizes each.
- “Ensemble division of Allied Arts Category” needs extra participant fee for number of performers.
- If you entry “Ensemble division of Allied Arts Category”, you can NOT entry any other Solo division or category with the same entry form. If you want to entry other Solo division or category as well, you should use a new entry form.
- “Adult division of the Recorded Accompaniment Category” has a First Place to 3rd place.
Entry for Recorded audition
- Those who submitted the Entry for Recorded audition early will be given priority to select the order of appearance (first, first-middle, middle, second-middle, last) of the convention.
- No Google Drive. Only YouTube is accepted. (Because there are many troubles. Dropbox is also possible only when YouTube cannot be used)
- If the payment of the Recorded audition fee and participation fee cannot be confirmed by the deadline, it will be disqualified.
Judging Guidelines
- Hikifuki’s accompaniment mistakes will be deducted more strictly than previous convention.
- The difficulty of Hikifuki accompaniment is not so important.
- We believe there will be no major differences on the guidelines. However Please check for future announcements about Judging Guidelines for minor changes.
The date and place for WWC2024
We are happy to announce the date for The 46th World Whistlers Convention in 2024 (WWC2024).
May 30th (Thu) to June 2nd (Sun), 2024
Scrum 21 Hall (850seats), Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa, Japan
Details will be uploaded on this website.
WWC Producer & Director
Ryosuke Takeuchi (Whistler)
Planning for WWC2024
We are planning for the next World Whistlers Convention in 2024 (WWC2024) as below.
The convention:
- Date: TBD (spring to early summer or fall in 2024)
- Place: TBD (around Tokyo, Japan)
We don’t have plans to make a major change for Categories and Judging Guidelines.
Once the date is decided, it will be posted on this website about 6 to 12 months before the convention.
Thank you for your understanding.