
Dear Whistlers,

We are planning to hold the next Convention (WWC) in 2020.
We will be announcing the place and schedule of the Convention half year or one year before the event.

We haven’t fixed the detail of the next Convention yet however we believe there will be no major difference especially regarding the Categories and Divisions from WWC2018 style.

The World Whistlers Convention (WWC) Committee

Opening Concert Ticket

Online Ticket Service for the Opening Concert on May 3rd will be closed by May 2nd 6pm.
You will be able to purchase at the Hall reception on May 3rd.

Thank you.

Reservation for Symposium on May 3rd will be closed soon

Reservation for Symposium on May 3rd become nearly to the limit and it will be closed soon.
If you wish to participate, please fill in and send the “Symposium Reservation Form”on this site as soon as you can.

Thank you