Differences between 2018 and 2020

* This article describes the differences between WWC2018 and WWC2020.
* This is not the final version – we will continue to update. Please check future announcement here.
* Please refer to other issues on previous guidelines stated in WWC2018 for now.

Sound/Movie file for the Recorded audition

  • Only LIVE performance and NO-EDIT sound/movie file is accepted. (except Recorded accompaniment – Karaoke – for Allied arts and Recorded accompaniment category)
  • For Hikifuki category, you should submit Classical AND Popular songs.
  • If the Sound/Video file doesn’t follow the guidelines, you may have to re-submit or point will be deducted.

Recorded audition for Allied Arts category

For Allied Arts category contestants we will choose from successful candidates of Recorded accompaniment or Hikifuki category in principle. Except in the following cases:

  • You enter only for Allied Arts category.
  • When you submitted the entry form, you checked “I wish to participate only for Allied Arts category even if I fail the audition for Recorded accompaniment and Hikifuki category.”

Judging Guidelines

  • We believe there will be no major differences on the guidelines. However Please check our future announcements for Judging Guidelines for minor changes.

WWC2020 flyer

Here is WWC2020 flyer. Please feel free to share.

The date for WWC2020

We are happy to announce the date for The World Whistlers Convention in 2020 (WWC2020).

April 11th (Sat) to 12th (Sun), 2020
Scrum 21 Hall (850seats), Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa, Japan

Details will be uploaded on this website.

WWC Producer & Director
Ryosuke Takeuchi (Whistler)

Cirque du Soleil is looking for professional whistlers

Dear Whistlers,

Cirque du Soleil is looking for professional whistlers. If you are interested in, take a moment to see the following links;

The link for the video: https://www.facebook.com/CirqueduSoleilCasting/videos/589506644853491/
The link for the job offer: https://cirquedusoleil-casting.secure.force.com/ene/ts2mmx__JobDetails?jobId=a0x2G00000KmAHmQAN&tSource=

If you have any further questions, please ask Cirque du Soleil directly:
Ms Charlyse Leclerc(

Best Regards,

Japan Whistling Confederation (JWC)
Committee Board